(March 9, Luanda) Angolan agronomist Angolan Fernando Pacheco from ADRA (Action for Rural Development and Environment) is predicting that there will be periods of severe hunger and poverty at the center-south region of Angola as a consequence of prolonged absence and irregularity in rainfall almost throughout the country. These areas most affected are in the provinces of Huambo and Bie given that the majority of the local population lives on subsistence farming.
The environmental situation is already creating difficult problems for farmers who live on their own production and experiencing very little profitable return from their crop.
Besides these factors, the agronomist pointed as negative results of the drought as last seasons light rainfall for most of the country, rising unemployment, the breach of contract under the agricultural credit campaign or investment, as well as increased imports of farm products. Another consequence, in the view of the expert, is the emigration of people living in the countryside to the cities, which encourage even more hunger and poverty in certain locations in Angola.
Asked about possible solutions to counteract the current conditions, framework, Pacheco said that "now there is nothing to be done", but the situation requires heavy rains to fall in the near future, because the farmers missed the time to plant alternative crops adaptable to the situation such as corn, sweet potato and cassava.
Pacheco recommends that increased national attention be given to farmers to assist in the distribution of seed, cars and essential farm implements and serious consideration given to investments in irrigation, though prohibitively expensive. (ANGOP)
There's no solution about the problem in weather but I do hope that the government will do a preventive steps to counter the damage.